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Mend Indesit Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Indesit Machine Out Mode

How do I get my indesit washing machine out of demo mode?

Model wixe 127 Indesit washing machine.It is only 5 weeks old

Today it decided for no apparent reason to go into demonstartion mode - it flashes 'DE no' whike going through a short cycle which doesn't involve puttin any water in.
I can't get it to switch on to any other program . I have made several phone calls to retailer and have followed the instuctions they have given me to get it out of demo mode (different with each phone call!) but a still getting the same problem. Helpline is now closed so any help would be much appreciated.

Karen H.
February 2007
Wow, 8 years later and Phil's answer is still helping people :) Thanks Phil

August 2015
Thank you Phil....I think I love you!

August 2014
Thank you worked for me

March 2014
I had the same problem, thanks to you it is fixed now!
Thanks a lot !

November 2013
Many thanks.
start/cancel + on/off + topleft
Out of demo mode!

Suzy G
November 2011
Amazing!!! Took a couple of tries, but it worked, sweet!!!

Sander F.
September 2009
phill you are a life saver ive been trying for days to get the washer working ive had it in bits but then come across this site and it worked straight away cheers mate

danny wogbox watterson
April 2009
This advice was absolutely brilliant and thankyou!!!
Why on earth couldn't the Indesit technical dept. tell me this I wonder?

November 2008
thank you for all these information, it really worked out

July 2008
To Deactivate

1. Press On/Off and Start/Cancel toghether with top left ie on 167 push easy iron option button until d OF appears.

gary forbes
April 2007
Thank you you're a life saver! The third option has worked straight away and machine is now working fine. Still can't figure out how it got onto demo mode though!

Karen H
February 2007
hi try these
There have been 3 versions of Demo Mode used on these appliances.

Version 1(Production to- Date code 39 March 2005)

To Activate
1. From the Default screen of a programme, after switching the appliance on press both Start/Cancel and On/Off buttons together until d On appears in display.
2. Press the Start/Cancel button only and tESt appears in the screen (Temp & Spin symbols also appear)

To Deactivate

Press the Start/Cancel button until all the console LED's illuminate.
Press both Start/Cancel and On/Off buttons together until
d OFF appears.
The default screen returns and you can select a new programme.
Note:- The default screen information displayed on these models is that of the programme currently selected by the selector knob.

Version 2 ( during Date Code 39 March 2005- to Date Code 42 June 2005)

To Activate

1. Same method as version 1.

To Deactivate

1. Simply press the Cancel button and the appliance returns to default.

Version 3 (During Date Code 43 June 2005 - to date )

To Activate

1. Press On/Off and Start/Cancel together with the top left option button until d On appears.

To Deactivate

1. Press On/Off and Start/Cancel toghether with top left option button until d OF appears.

phil grimshaw
February 2007
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Indesit washing machines

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