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Mend Magnavox Televisions

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Mend repair fix Magnavox televisions

Mend > Televisions

Mend Magnavox Picture Sound Control

Need to fix my Philips Magnavox 60" 9p6040ci. No picture and no sound?

my Philips Magnavox 9p6040ci has no picture or sound. Little green light on control is the only indication that it is getting power. POssibly related to a thunder storm. It is plugged into a power strip/surge protector.

January 2007
Screen shrinks and expands and wams up after 10-20 minutes and then went out completely? Power light still comes on and remote still works? This is a common problem for this model and is most likely related to a bad chip. A tech will charge you over $300.00 to fix it but you can buy the repair kit including the chip, step by step instructions and repair manuals for under $40.00 if you are willing to do a little soldering. Go to and enter your model or chasis number and order the kit. This will not fix color problems!

August 2008
Mend Video, Televisions
Mend repair fix Magnavox televisions

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Mend Video, Televisions
Mend repair fix Magnavox televisions