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Mend Door Key Broken

uPvc roto lock?

Have a roto lock on a pvc door. Key broken in lock. Cannot remove it. To remove lock first need to remove barrel. Can see no way to remove barrel. Any advice appreciated.

January 2007
Thank you kev. I am in a bit of a mess. I have what i think is a spare key. It inserts fully into the lock but does not move the broken one. I have removed all screws presumably including the locating one. The broken key is stuck with the 'back' of the key at 6 oclock position but the barrel does not move. At this stage i think it is a question of calling in the experts or attack it with a drill bit.


January 2007
Mike. To remove broken key line it up perfectly vertically and insert a spare key into the other side of the barrel. This will push the broken piece out enough to grab with long nose pliers. Then insert spare key into barrel from the inside of the property and turn to appx. 5past/25to position, remove locating screw (in lock strip) and withdraw eurobarrel. Good luck with the ROTO system - its pretty old now.

January 2007
Mend D.I.Y, Windows and Doors
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Mend D.I.Y, Windows and Doors
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