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Mend Indesit Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Indesit Dishwasher Light

My Indesit D63 dishwasher is not taking in water?

I set the programme and press the buttons, the red light comes on but no water is going into the machine. I have an Indesit D63 dishwasher which is about 3 years old.

Mrs J Chalmers
January 2005
Scratched my head over this one for ages, such a simple fix and saved me a fortune on an engineer.

Paul from South Lincolnshire
July 2009
My D63 stopped filling, Did the 45 degree tilt and it seems to be fine.

John H
June 2009
The 45 degree tip up worked for me!
Excellent advice - saved me a packet - Thanks :))))))

January 2007
Spot on, Stewart - Your advice has worked a treat n.b - have a mop and bucket ready.

November 2005
This also works for the d73 model when it shows an error code of A 01.

October 2005

I had the same issue and managed to fix it:

Unplug the Dishwasher
Pull it out of it's position.
Tilt it towards the back at 45'. This will release a lot of water that has caused the flood float switch to trip. After a couple of minutes, plug it back in and try again...

August 2005
So have I, its three years old but will not empty or fill????? stoped half way through program

July 2005
We also have a D63 Indesit dishwasher, and it is 3 years old. Guess what - it just stopped taking in water!

Anyone know what to change?

Tim Ridgway
July 2005
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Mend repair fix Indesit dishwashers

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Mend repair fix Indesit dishwashers