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Mend MP4 Players

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Mend Video, MP4 Players
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how to play videos on my mp4?

i have an mp4,
fujisound, it has music and photos on it that work fine, i came to put videos on it and it doesnt work, i hav converted the videos to amv format, it plays the first 5 seconds and then stops, what do i do?? please help i have searched the internet and read the instructions agen n agen!! thanks

January 2007
I am looking for the same thing. I need to learn how to play an mp4 video on my website. Have anxiety? Visit:

June 2009
use AMV converter 4.03 or uper vertion software

September 2007
i've got a fujisound mp4 too. it's the worst buy i've ever done. this thing is cr*p. i advice you not to buy this!!
it's chinese rubish. it's really hard to understand its navigation. it drives myself mad to browse songs or folders. graphics are awful. radio doesnt work to me. problems uploading vids...
i wish i never bought this.

May 2007
Hi Tasha,

I have an MP4 Fujisound and had also problems with the video. Now everything is fine. I'm using avconverter 1.0 to convert any video to avi format. Take into account that not all avi formats will work. In mine the maximun resolution that works is 220x176.

March 2007
I've never heard of amv format. Perhaps you mean avi format?
Maybe it takes a different kind of format.

January 2007
Mend Video, MP4 Players
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Mend Video, MP4 Players
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