Fisher & Paykel Washer GWL11 - What is Fault Code 243 (11110011)?
I have a Fisher & Paykel Washer - GWL11 - that I purchased from Lowes about 3.5 years ago. Six months ago (about a week after the warranty expired), I had to replace the drain pump, and because of poor design, the control boards that burn out when the drain pump goes. Now, the washer goes through the whole cycle, drains the water then stops and beeps (continuously) - won't spin out. In diagnostic mode, I get fault code 243 (11110011). I am guessing/hoping that this is something to do with the lid switch. But, before I get too far down that path, I was hoping that someone with access to a service manual could look up that code for me. Thanks a million for your help.
Aaron Whitmer
January 2007