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Mend MP3 Players

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Mend Mp3 Digital Audio

i cant turn it off,get to the music,& it wont let me download please help!!?

I have a Mp3 digital audio player- designer vision & just got it 4 christmas. i cant do anything with it its supposed to turn on and say designer vision go through all the colors & go to my music. i had downloaded music on there now i cant download or turn it off i have to take the battery out to turn it off. when i turn it on it stays on blue & keeeps blinking and says designer vision. i dont know whats wrong w/ it it all happened after i tried to get songs off of a burnt cd using windows media player & the song didnt work ever sice then it hasnt been working and that was about 2-3 weeks ago . PLEASE HELP ME OUT i dont know what 2 do

January 2007
Turning it off is more of an issue. Sometimes doesn't like to do that. Usually a short press and then a long press will get you the 'Bye Bye'.

January 2009
Same for me. Guess I am not the only one out there with this problem. I have had enough of this! I'm just going to best buy or future shop and getting one of em' I-Pods.
So stupid. This is the worst company ever! *mumbles off*

October 2008
I have the same problem

I have a mp3 designer vision digital music player, model DV-B512RD. For some reason, when I try to play my music this is what happens:

I press on
The "designer vision" sign comes up and that is it nothing else shows up, its like the "designer vision" sign freezes.

Usually what happens is:

I press on
The "designer vision" sign comes up, the screen start flashing different colors
I can play my songs

Has anyone figured out how to fix this?

July 2008
When i turn mine on it just flashs red. IT DOESNT EVEN SHOW WORDS!!! just flashing red :( its been like that for about 2 weeks...

March 2008
I agree with all of you I am having the same problems... I can use it when plugged into computer but besides that it just flashes red or flashes red once and shows name then freezes there... This sucks it was a birthday gift and been able to use it 3 times... I've tried everything ... Mine was bought at XS Cargo also and no they won't take it back.... grrrr!!!!

Pixie Kitty
January 2008
well I got my designer vision mp3 player Christmas 2006 and it worked all the way up until August 2007. When I turn it on, it just says designer vision, goes through the colors, shuts off and does it again and again and again...I'm piss*d! I don't want to buy a new one, for all that I may as well just buy a stupid i-pod and call it a day! I've taken mine apart to see if I can fix the problem. My sister still has hers and it works perfectly! She has like 80 songs on it!

November 2007
He's absolutely right, I just baught a one giggabyte Designer Vision mp3 player with some of my last change (im strapped for cash)
And i turn it on experimenting with the recording feature and it i cant exit it so i turn the peice of sh*t off and low and behold wont turn on again since...
I had justtt baught the f**king thing too!! Worse is I baught it from this XScargo place which is sorta like a liquidation place and im not even sure if they'll exchange it.

Point is to anyone reading this these things are the worst electronics ive ever seen

September 2007
Just got a 2GB one. As soon as you load over 256 Meg of music on it it blows up. Seems like this company just makes cr*p. I have been trying to contact their customer support for 2 weeks and I haven't got a response. Note to everyone do not by Designer Vision producs unless you feel like wasting money.

January 2007
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