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Mend DAF LF45 Lorries/Trucks

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Mend DAF LF45

Daf LF45 FA stiff clutch pedal and won't start? 04 plate ?

Truck gives one click on turning the key. Dash states low air pressure. Can't start it to build up air pressure? Two new and Fully charged starter batteries reading 25 volts. New ignition battery lugs/terminals and cables fitted and tight. Earth straps all good.
"SO" I went to check it was in neutral, (it was in 2nd gear) pushed the clutch pedal and it was REALLY stiff... Really stiff! Any ideas on what is wrong? Are the two issues related? Thanks, Andy

Andy Daf LF45 FA 170 TURBO 04 Plate
January 2019
Clutch pedal stiff because air pressure is down. LF won’t turn over unless it’s in neutral.
Mine runs battery down if parked up for more than a week. Needs a decent run to fully charge batteries. Spotted step light was on door wasn’t shutting tight enough so disconnected door switch but still the same thing. Any ideas anyone, no light on anywhere at a loss now.

February 2019
if it isn't turning over ,then it is because it is in gear ...Reason the clutch pedal is stiff is because the air is low.If you can,t get it in to neutral ..By pass the inhibitor on the gearbox,and press that clutch pedal as hard as you can and if it starts get it up to get the air built up

February 2019
Mend Vehicles, Lorries/Trucks
Click here to mend DAF LF45 lorries/trucks

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Click here to mend DAF LF45 lorries/trucks