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Mend Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Dishwasher Water Pumping

Bekco dishwasher keep's on pump!?

My dishwasher water pump just keeps on pumping although there is no water in the machine & It wont do anything else.
I am presuming the pump has gone or could it be it has just got stuck on the emptying setting?

November 2016
I had a problem like this which reoccurred every time I refilled the salt tank. Someone suggested being extra careful when refilling as if even one grain of salt gets down and into the drainage area it can mess up the little switches. I solved the problem by filling with boiling water several times to dissolve the salt. Works fine now! I'll just be really careful when filling up the salt again next time!

December 2016
It is probably the drain pump that is running. It will do that if water has leaked into the base tray & activated the flood switch. Pull dishwasher out from under bench. Tip it back as far as you can & see if water comes out (have some old towels ready) Once water is out it should come back to normal. If the same thing happens again you will need to find out where it is leaking from. It may not come back.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
November 2016
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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