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Mend Corsa Cars

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Mend Corsa

How cab i fix it? 53 plate Corsa 1.4 Design. ?

The battery needed replacing which I did, now the display says SAFE. I have pressed the on/off button and the as button simultaneously, as instructed but nothing is happening. HELP me please.

John ODonnell
May 2016
It is a security feature so that if any one removes the radio it cant work without the code. When you changed the battery power was cut off to the radio putting it into safe mode. You need to find your radio code - have a look in your handbook pack there should be a credit card sized bit of card with the codes you need or it may be written in one of the books. Then to put code in - ignition on, radio off, hold in AS button turn radio on you'll hear a beep - release AS then the first number can be put in using button number 1 pressing amount of times required to get the right number on screen, then use button 2 for second number and so on once all numbers of code are in - hold in AS again.

May 2016
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Corsa cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Corsa cars