You have given very little to help narrow down suggestions.
To give all suggestions for all possible eclectronics in all possible circumstanices would take a few months. Would you even read them let alone even try them all out?
I suggest you start at the beginning and check that your electricity supply is still OK and the fuse box for your home is still OK. Then make sure that the cable is plugged in.
I have been called out for help by someone who had accidently tuend the switch for the mains' power socket to the off position. So check that is OK.
If that still has not resolved your issue then check if the your mystery device also has a sperate on/off switch for poer. Some not only have a standby switch but also a power switch. This may be located at the back of the device.
Check the power cable from the device to the mains' socket. If posible try using a similar one in place of the existing, possible faulty power cable. Also, if possible, try the cable on another compatable device.
Test the fuse in the plug.
March 2016