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Mend Vauxhall 500 Diesel 2000

poor starting 2.2 diesel frontera 2000 edition?

vauxhall 2.2 diesel (2000) sudden starting problems and what seems to be fuel starvation. New glow plugs fitted did not ater things. With injector disconnected no fuel was present when engine cranked over. Yesterday engine management light came on followed by loss of power, max 2,500 revs then light went out and power returned. When it does start the engine misfires @ between 1000 & 2000 rpm This only started when weather got colder, previously no problem at all.
Possible causes please
frontera 2.2 diesel, 2000 special edition LWB Automatic

Michael Lacey
December 2006
have you checked the fuel filter heating elemment located in the fuel filter housing also the heater sensor located on the outside of the housing hope this helps diesel might be waxing due to heater or sensor not working.

frontera owner
December 2010
I have developed the same problem on my Td2.3 LWb
I have replaced the fuel pipes and fuel filter all to no avail. The other reports I have found is that the fuel tank breather pipes may be blocked or the fuel pump relay is in need of replacing.
I have got myself some easy start spray - take off the air filter and as you turn over the engine you spray up your air pipes towards you engine. Obvioulsy this is a TWO PERSON job as you cannot be in TWO places at once. You only need a very small squirt of the spray as well. This will not cure the problem but will help you fire up - Things that I have also checked is EARTHING ..... Make sure you battery has a VERY good earth .. might be worth while replacing or re locating the existing one as I have done. - Check your fuel filter ( replace it ) and all your fuel lines...... You may be asking for trouble if you let your fuel tank get dangerously low and this will pull of the cr*p from the bottom of the tank .... Quality of fuel could be reasons why the pipes could be getting blockages....

Loads of things here to try

April 2008
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