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Mend DAF LF Lorries/Trucks

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Mend DAF LF Immobiliser Engine Work

DAF LFs Removal of Immobiliser on Engine ECU/ECM?

I work in a HGV breakers yard and we are wanting to be able to remove the immobiliser on the DAF LF ECUs that use the cummins engine, i know that this is possible with Cummins INLINE but was wondering if it is possible with DAVIE if we have Developer Tools?

November 2014
If you wish to install a system that the vehicle doesn't originally have ,The software at a price has to be ordered from DAF ..The dealer will then upload it to the DAVIE then install it to the vehicle ..All software is ordered for a specific chassis ,so it can only be installed in that chassis..Personally I do not know about copy interface ,so I'm afraid I can't help there ..The programmes in DAVIE is what was programmed in at the factory ,obviously with updates ..When buying software from DAF they update the vehicle records so that all DAVIES euro wide know it has a new system..So if you did install a PTO for example ,dealership DAVIES would not recognise it ..Sorry it's a long winded reply

November 2014
Thanks again Norb, Yes i am aware that the vic contains information concerning the PTO etc. Would someone who has a DAVIE with a copy interface (i.e. not provided by DAF) be able to program and download the software or would this be dealer only? We are on about buying one from someone who sells all the diagnostic tools but obviously they are not genuine but want to make sure it will do everything i need it to do. Thanks again, Joe.

November 2014
I should add if the faulty VIC is dead then DAVIE won't be able to read any specific customer parameters ,though Davie will down load the latest software..eneral customer parameters would be PTO settings

November 2014
DAVIE can reprogram a 2nd hand vic ,but it has to be the same part number ...There is a procedure that has to be carried with DAVIE to swap the chassis number over

November 2014
Hi Norb, Thanks for your reply, looking at this forum among others, you seem to know your way around the DAFs, i dont suppose you know whether DAVIE alone will be able to program a VIC (Get the information for the bad VIC and program the new one with the information from the bad VIC) or would that need to be Developer tools


November 2014
Davie wont remove the immobiliser

November 2014
Mend Vehicles, Lorries/Trucks
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