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Mend Toilets

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Mend > Toilets

Mend Valves Toilet Valve

Syphonic valves?

My toilet bowl seems to be blocked but my plumber thinks that the problem is the syphonic valve. If this is the case how do I know which make of valve to buy and which exact type it is as there is no manufactures name visible to me?

Tony Brill.
September 2014
Hey bob - I have drain rods but a six foot length of barrier pipe is all I need - instead of trying to push the obstruction with rods - 20 feet up the pipe to clear it - I pull it back into the inspection pit with my little stick. The obstruction is always at the opening of the exit pipe. It takes just a few minutes and always works. Three or four times a year for the past 10 years. Next time it blocks come round for a demo.

I tried drain rods just once - they now gather dust in my garage

But you're right about the next election

Edwina Currie
September 2014
drain rods a stick wont clear it so JM wont win next election. only turn rods CLOCKWISE ONLY or you'll un screw them and its major(no pun intended) to retrieve then left in pipe. also wrap duck tape around joints they are less likely to unscrew if you forget and turn them anti clockwise.

bob uk
September 2014
Your plumber is fooling you...

The syphonic valve causes the water to flow - by syphon action - from the cistern into the toilet pan - the rush of water carries the waste away.

If water rushes in when you operate the flush then the syphon valve is working as it should.

My toilet blocks several times a year - the obstruction is never in the S bend of the WC pan - it's always outside in the inspection pit. Find the cover and lift it and look inside - then you'll know.

I clear the blockage with a long stick - pulling the wad of paper back into the pit rather than trying to push it further down the pipe. The exit flow will be in the direction towards the street.

It's a ten minute job.

Good luck.

John Major former PM
September 2014
Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
Mend repair fix toilets

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Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
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