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Mend Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Washing Inches Loud

A piece of wire in the washing machine bowl?

A piece of wire (about 6 Inches) dislodged from an article of clothing while in the washing machine.
There was a loud noise while the machine was in spin cycle. The noise then stopped.
When the washing cycle completed the piece of wire was nowhere to be found.
I suspect that it managed to be drawn thru the small holes in the washing machine bowl.
I have done another wash with the washing machine. (A family member started a wash without realising there was a possible issue) and all appeared to be OK.
I am worried about this piece of wire ‘floating’ around in the bottom of the machine somewhere.
Can anyone give me any suggestions?

Chris B
March 2014
its a wire from a bra,it can get stuck around the heating element or in the sump hose

March 2014
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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