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Mend Steam Cleaners

Mend Household Appliances, Steam Cleaners
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Mend Household Appliances, Steam Cleaners
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Mend > Steam Cleaners

Mend Cleaner Tank Machine

How can I fix the knob on my steam cleaner, reliable, enviromate 3?

My knob to turns steam cleaner on and off which is on the tank (or base) of machine has popped up. If I hold the knob down the machine light comes on and machine will heat up but if I take my finger off the knob it pops up again and machine turns off. Please help this steamer was 500 bucks and I'm put of warranty The company wants 200 bucks just to ship it back and forth and diagnose problem Plus additional costs to fix knob

January 2014
Mend Household Appliances, Steam Cleaners
Find out how to mend steam cleaners

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Mend Household Appliances, Steam Cleaners
Find out how to mend steam cleaners