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Mend Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Dish Starts Water

dwd5140w dish washer?

it starts, fills with about 1.5" water then does nothing

andy j
October 2013
ok pump off and feels seized, as cant push the propeller vains round, guessed it was that by the noise it was making last week.

but seen on some other forum that the pump is spring loaded and will be stiff????

this cant be right can it??? if the prop not going round surley its bearing failiure I would have thought!

Thanks for the help

About to order a pump soon.

andy j
October 2013
I hear a slight buzzing noise, almost as if its a pump that's trying to pump but stuck.

the water goes in, feels quite warm, but that's it

andy j
October 2013
so water is above the filter in the base then stops (nothing)?.check the circulation pump isn't seized or you hear any back ground buzzing at all?

October 2013
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