Check the lint filter. Remove any material it contain. Rince it. This can be the origin of the smell.
Do a cycle with a generous amount of bleatch, clothes optional and only white coton if any.
Perform an extra rince cycle.
NEVER EVER mix bleatch with ANY acid (like vinegar) or alkali (like baking soda or amoniac), EVER!
After a wash, pour a box of baking soda inside. Baking soda is well known for it's odours suppressing properties.
This can be done after the bleatching above.
A single rince will remove the soda and may not be realy needed.
Baking soda should NEVER EVER be used with bleatch as it will produce chlorine gas whitch is EXTREMELY TOXIC.
Doing a cycle with about 1 to 2 cup of white vinegar may also help removing odours. Don't use at the same time as baking soda.
NEVER EVER mix vinegar and bleatch as it will make chloridric acid whitch is EXTREMELY corosive.
May 2013