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Mend Steam Cleaners

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Mend > Steam Cleaners

Mend Goblin Steamatic Pro

goblin steamatic pro 4.0?

hi I am looking for the bottom part of the cleaning arm I have the pipe and metal pole with a plastic bit which the pole and pipe attach to. I need the cleaning part sorry if I sound a bit thick but brought the steamer from cash generators like that. can any one help

March 2013
Hi Steven, I purchased the cleaning bits and accessory pipes off eBay as I have the Steamatic Pro 4.0 which is a deep red plastic body with the yellow power and steam switch on the left and the green and red light for when it's up to steam and low water light to the right, the accessories I purchased for mine off eBay were the Goblin Steamatic it has a yellow colour plastic body but the pipe and cleaning fittings fit my Goblin Pro 4, if you go to the eBay site and type in Goblin Steam Cleaner or search this item number 221199622865 you can double check if it's what your looking for, I've just looked for you and there is 2 in total that have attachments a yellow one and a white one, hope this helps, the issue I have with my Pro 4.0 is my son used it the other day and he somehow managed to pull the block connectors off the rear of the yellow on of switch and steam button and also the green steam light and red low water light, so I need to know what connector goes where as in colour of wire to which switch, the switches do lift away easily from the red plastic steam body but I have no way of knowing which order they connect to the switches and lights, you wouldn't by any chance be able to gently put a thin screw driver under the black part of firstly the yellow switches and then the light ones and message me the order they go please as in colour wire to what connector on the switches and lights, either working power on off switch first top to bottom and same for the yellow on of steam switch then top to bottom green light connector and then the red low water light, I would very much appreciate the help please mate, Could you put the details as a reply to this answer please and I'll keep checking here as I obviously don't want to risk just guessing which connector goes where, Thank you and hope you also get sorted with the details for the attachment, Kind Regards, Mike

March 2013
Mend Household Appliances, Steam Cleaners
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