Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Blenders/Mixers

Mend Kitchen Appliances, Blenders/Mixers
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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Blenders/Mixers
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Mend > Blenders/Mixers

Mend Crack Plastic Inch

How can I seal a crack in my plastic blender pitcher?

How can I seal a thin, 2 inch long crack in the plastic blender pitcher on our Farberware Stand Blender model FSB100?

November 2006
look go to www.ebay home and it will take you to the site home page. in big letters it will say Farberware and clic it and there you go i think once you get there you will no what to do................. let me no if you got my messge my name is lala aka cp moniter for the past 13 years i have been helping people with there probs and they all for the most part turn out good

November 2006
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Blenders/Mixers
Find out how to mend blenders/mixers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Blenders/Mixers
Find out how to mend blenders/mixers