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Mend Accenta Home Alarm Systems

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Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Accenta Alarm Power Cut

Pars not working?

My pars have stopped working on my accenta alarm following a power cut, what do I need too check.

Peter gee
November 2012

December 2012
Me know you mean no harm matey :),

and what's with the big word "colloquialism"?

Jeez me can't even pronounce the word let alone spell it,

Looks like I have a new word to google :).

Ps have you eaten the Oxford dictionary for breakfast or you showing off again :)

pps you can call me what ever you want mate, me know you like a laugh :D, but me know you have professional serious side also :).

e manno
December 2012
E, if I may call you that. Saves typing :D .
I was being sarcastic/amusing or trying to be.
I think just changing the battery will not suffice here as the memory had dumped the programming. So a reboot and reprogramming is the best approach here.
My reference to a shock was never intended to happen, just a colloquialism. As always Isolate and TEST before doing any electrical work.
You may be lucky with just a batt change, but I doubt it. However this manual can be obtained and it is fairly easy to get your head around the programming. If you get stuck, we are here.

December 2012
Did I detect a hint of sarcasm there Peter?,

Me had a triple jobbie in 2006, lots of lite exercise and lots and lots of sex is good for speedy recovery :)

We have a laugh on here so don't take things to heart mate.

e manno
December 2012
THANKYOU!!!, I will have a go at changing the battery, Alarm i have just undergone a heart bypass so a shock will most likely kill me not improve my grammar, but i will ensure electric is off.

Peter gee
December 2012
We knew what he mean Alarm, we can't all be well educated like you matey :)

Who neads a spele chequer theese days anhyway ??,

You defo don't need one to say please or thankyou.

e manno
November 2012
Well for one, he said PARS. Then the said "what do I need TOO" check.
So he needs a shock to correct his grammar.

AND he never said Please or Thank you.

Is that enough??

November 2012
Either way isolate mains power before you open panel but I have to agree with acorn on this " the +[BATTERY]- is knackered.

SD why you say check fuse without isolation of power first ?

e manno
November 2012
.... why oh why?

.............. & replace the faulty battery.

November 2012
1st it is not pars. It is Pir. Passive Infra Red.
Check fuse in unit

November 2012
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Find out how to mend Accenta home alarm systems

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