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Mend Toilet Water Turn

Toilet constantly running water ?

I have a concealed cistern , toilet system . Just recently it has constant running water into the toilet ! I can turn the water off and the water will cease so I am thinking its a cistern problem ? Its concealed as I said , and has a push button flush action , however there is not a lot of room to work due to the unit surrounding it ,,,,,,,,,,,
What could the problem be ?

Kevin Beavers
September 2012
You require a new washer in the ball valve. Whichever type of ball valve you have, it is very simple to change the washer. While you have the valve apart, clean all working areas of the valve, as it is quite simple to leave some scale in the area where the washer goes. If you have the conventional brass ball valve, remove the split pin and take the arm out, take the brass cap off and the plunger will come out. Once you have the plunger out, undo the end cap and replace the tiny washer. If it is a plastic ball valve, just unscrew the big nut and then replace the washer. As a tip to anybody, smear the working areas of the ball valve lightly with vasalene, and then put it back together, job done.

October 2012
check the plastic link arm to ,it can slip and lets water run thats the part the push button is connected too it may just need to be pushed up

September 2012
Flush rubber seal has dirt on it indo plush rod it has to be pull out indo syphon same has step clips other push anti clock ,clean out or replace top

September 2012
Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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