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Mend Scantronic Home Alarm Systems

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Mend Scantronic

9300 scantronic?

How to mend it please,
The alarm was humming loudly over the last few weeks,this morning i noticed that the power light was flashing, so I switched the power off then back on again and the light extinguished.
I have now noticed it flashing again, so I repeated the mains off then on again, but this time it seems completely dead.
There's nothing, no lights and it is unresponsive.

Should I contact scantronic or can anyone offer a repair tip, or what I can check for myself.

Wrin ck
July 2012
your a very,very,bad man e manno, ( just like me !!!!! )

August 2012
I wouldn't consider myself an excessive hoarder, i just haven't ever thrown anything away. My motto is " one never knows if it will come in handy".

Ok yes I do have a problem,

I just move things around and say to her indoors " I've thrown heaps of crap away", NOT he he he :)

e manno
July 2012
got same prob as u e manno
women not understand engineers need to hoard

July 2012
am not selling it .am giving it away

July 2012
e manno its brand new,er,not used ,in its box,virginal,untouched by human hand,never been penitrated :-)

July 2012
I've checked it it's a used one ( short on primary), god knows why I've held onto it. Iam looking and sorting stuff out, if I find one ,or one with similar spec's ( one that will suffice and within tolerances), then I will let u know.

I have adapted these TXs in the past and played around with the bridge rectifiers and VxI,.

I will see what I can turn up for you,

Regards manno,

e manno
July 2012
yup got dc

July 2012
i am loath to toss it out i have an engineeers failling,like us all :-)

July 2012
yup,its a radio no det,its gpoing for nuffin,just postage ,i may have a door contact and pir some where ,would need to check it out

July 2012
That radio jobbie?
What detectors you got with it?

July 2012
i got a brand new 4600 if anyone wants it,c/w all paperwork and stencil

July 2012
Wanna swap a 9300 for your 9400?

July 2012
Nice gesture alarm, i'am good thankyou,

by the way, if any of you guys need a new 17 transformer for the 9300 it's yours. I will never use it now, also got the 19 for the 9400, well I think it's for the 9 I'll have to check up on that one :) ,

Wife says I need to clear the garage out, got bits of allsortz, if you guys need something just say.

e manno
July 2012
Anyone want a manual for one?

July 2012

July 2012
9300 what a gem!!!

e manno
July 2012
Ever had it serviced and the battery replaced (battery at least EVERY 5 yrs)?

July 2012
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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