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Mend Megane Wipers Passenger Window

Auto wipers and Auto lights faults?

My son's 2004 Megane has similar problem with passenger window lowering of its own accord - we also took door panel off to raise the window and blocked it so as with other owner unable to use window. However since this has been done the auto wipers do not work and also the auto lights do not now work and service light comes on and off - anybody had this problem? If you have any input on resolving will be very much appreciated.

Glenda - Dorset
July 2012
Kev, if Renaults are "no more unreliable as any other car", why are there more quearies about Renault cars than any other make of car.

July 2012
Renaults are no more unreliable than any other make of car i know as i have two of them. most problems with the auto wipers/lights are due to the sensor on the windscreen behind the rear view mirror,these can be bought of ebay for around £30.

July 2012
If you type "Renault" into the search box, you will find out you are not alone in having a Renault with electrical problems. If you fix one problem, another occurs soon after. The only answer is to get rid of it and buy a more reliable make of car, but not a French one.

July 2012
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