Where can I get a replacement toilet handle for low flush cistern ?
my handle to flush the toilet is not a standard fitting. I have tried B&Q and they don't stock my type of handle. It is a low flush cistern made by Spring Bathrooms.The handle is a steel alloy and cannot be repaired. I have been told by Dynarod that I will have to buy a complete new cistern.This will cost me about £150.00 inc.fitting. Can anyone help?
Hello, I've exactly the same problem, just wondered whether you had any luck in finding a replacement handle?
Jamie Sowler
October 2006
try your local plumbing shop more helpful than b&q. toilet cistern on its own can be picked up for £45. don't go by what dynorod say they just want you to let them fit it for about £70 hour
hi-spec plumbing
October 2006
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