If the tumble trips the power immediately,then that usually indicates a down to earth fault.
If the tumble runs for several seconds and then trips the electric,then its usually a heating issue,especially if it knockes the T/stat out.
A T/stat reset is only needed if your tumble isn't producing any heat,
the dryer will perform as normal,but only blow cold air.
This is because the T/stats are wired in series with the heating circuit,so in affect if one stat fails,the circuit is broken,and the tumble produces no heat.
you are trying to reset the stat that that is already in the closed circuit stage,hence no click.
If the heating is compromised and needs a T/stat reset,then this procedure should be carried out on appliances isolated from the power.
You need to find out why the tumble is tripping the power.....
Start by checking for any moisture around the motor,
check the heating element for moisture,
Use a hairdryer to dry those components affected out,
try disconnecting the heating element and see if the tumble will run without tripping.
Most down to earth faults are moisture related,or the heating element has shorted,
meter the heating circuit components,any found with open circuits need replacing.
March 2012