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Sony rdr-gx210 will not read dvd?

ok well my question is quite simple i know why its not reading dvd's its because the laser is duff. so the drive needs to be replaced, but where on earth do u find such parts i have searched the net, and asked the approved sony repairers but they dont reply to my emails.
i have taken the old drive out but cant find a part number on it, was hoping it was going to be similar to a computer drive but it has a small foil ribbon cable instead of a pc ribbon cable.

if anyone can point me in the right direction and give me a part number i would be very gratefull.
i am in the uk by the way.

john andrew
October 2006
The part is available in the UK from Nikko (the cheapest I can find): - however, the PCB on the unit accepts a standard IDE socket and power socket. I am about to perform major surgery. Watch this space....

December 2007
I have the same fault and have just been quoted £104 by my local sony Centre for a new DVD drive assembly. The quote cost me £42 which would make the total bill £144. I have bought a new LG DR175 from Tesco for £120 and it appears to do all the same things.

Trevor Adams
January 2007
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Mend Video, DVD Players
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