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Mend Reset Gardtec Alarm

How can I reset Gardtec 350 after an alarm?

All the LEDs are flashing. I have tried to reset as per the manual but it is just not happening. Is there anything else I can try before calling out an engineer?

Babsie Wales
January 2012
at least am has the courage of his convictions,not like you,coward,we give good advice here,but if you check out the search box,u will see how many people we have helped,sure,we like to have a laugh,but,thats all it is,a laugh,we unlike you dont take ourselfs too serious,if people ask sensible questions,i.e.give make ,model of panel,and what is wrong,we will give the answer to their prob,we dont have ego,s we give our time freely,so coward who not give his name,if you dont like this site,dell!(manderine)look it up,and as for back slapping,i dont know the rest of the guys here,never met them,do you understand?i for one am not going to tell people that the panel they have is good if its not,why have them waste their hard earned money on junk,?you dont seem to understand this,but ignorance is bliss,in your case ,so,you go right on and disaprove of us,as clarke once said,"re vera,cara mia,mia nil revert ! (latin) look it up,

January 2012

January 2012
I think I'm inclined to agree with AM's comments - lots of backslapping from the regular engineers saying how marvelous they are, but there seems to be more rude comments than actual help. Could be why people don't seem to leave thank you comments. Seems as though a dose of humility wouldn't go amiss, nor a personality readjustment for certain indivuduals. Why bother being rude to people who are looking for a hand. It may make you feel superior, but doesn't get you any brownie points, and it's just another form of bullying.

name and address withheld
January 2012
Oh god, another "I`m better than thou" arsewipe.
Never mind they never last long.

January 2012
dont forget to look up about alarm systems on internet before you come back,you may learn something,or,you could check out the search box,see how many folk we have helped,:-)you dont have a clue mate,

January 2012
you give me a laugh mate ,please come back again

January 2012
Thankyou Babsie, I usually only ever come on this site to have a laugh at what the regular 'experts' are saying. Don't doubt any of their credentials but doubt if any of them are actually serious about helping anyone when you read some of their facetious comments/answers and comments about the persons asking for help. Lots of back slapping and ego building but I suspect not a lot of help to sort out actual problems.

That should provoke another flurry of drivel from them!!! (none about alarm problems though)

Alan McKenzie
January 2012
Alan, thankyou for your constructive suggestion. It is my fathers alarm so will not get to try this out until Friday. I have not put a question on this site before. I didn't realise it would cause such a fuss!

Babsie Wales
January 2012
ALL trannies hum ,the sound depends on what surface the panel is mounted on i think the software glitches between your ears ;-0

January 2012
Your preference?

January 2012
Well if a scanny panel did hit me over the head,it would stop that annoying mains hummmmm..and maybe fix a few software glitches.brrrrrr..

no name
January 2012
Could not resist, love it when the youngsters get uppity.


January 2012
condemnant qui non intellengent !!

January 2012
alarm guy,you have no need to prove yourself to this lot,i know how good you are,even though i have never met you,i can tell buy the replys you give to people on here that you know your stuff,

January 2012
in retrospect,to you it prob is

January 2012
next you will be telling us a optima is a great panel

January 2012
no name,your talk is on the level of your intellect ,i have been in the trade for nearly 40 years now,you would not know a good panel if some one hit you over the head with it. and that goes for mr mckenzie

January 2012
Actually our new guest is correct in what he says about the 350 in resetting and checking user/master codes.
Cheap panel, you can crash and burn in less than 5 seconds after a break in and it not going off though.

As for numbers of panels being mentioned here, well scanny have more market share then Gardnier ever had. Texecom is the most used here and it is generally the "shed" bought panels that get the mentions. Hence less of the Gardiner ones too.
When you understand market shares and how the end products are sold then make such comments. 16 years installing/servicing and no marketing experience I bet.

30 here in all aspects of security- servicing -installation -sales -marketing -design -senior management.

January 2012
Know lots about alarm panels, didn't work for Gardiner but 16 years installing/servicing all makes/types hasn't made me blinkered!!

Can't help seeing lots of questions on here about Scanny panels, very few about 'junk' GardTec/Risco though. Enough said?

Alan McKenzie
January 2012
Don't worry, gts is brainwashed into thinking if its not a scantronic its not worth giving a sensible and constructive answer.scantronic and chips anyone!!!...

no name
January 2012
goes to show how much you know about alarm panels mate,but to each his own :-)did you work for gardiner technology???

January 2012
System may well need a battery but the answer to the question is; enter master code, as system starts to set re-enter master code. All noise should stop, power and day leds will be lit and alarm will be reset. If this does not happen either you are using the wrong code or the using a user code which does not have rights to reset the system. To check if code you are using is a master code, enter code and press no. Power led will be lit and day led will flash. If this doesnt't happen you have a user code only.

Panel is not junk and may well be obsolete but many thousands still daily use and giving good service.

Alan McKenzie
January 2012
but if you want a constructive answer,try changing the standby battery in the control panel no doubt you have not had the alarm serviced for a while,and for heavens sake,lighten up,

January 2012
was a joke,the panel is junk,and obsolete,

January 2012
gts. A constructive answer would have been better thank you. No need to be facetious.

Babsie Wales
January 2012
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