did the daf lad give you any fault codes ???..if the warning was on DAVIE would have a pending error,if the warning is out there will be a stored error...
ignoring elec faults for the minute ,did you get any mud /water in the fuel tank ???
remove the metal feed pipe to the common rail,spin the engine over a see if you are getting any fuel..if no fuel then the fault lies back towards the tank ,if all fuel lines are clear etc then the pump will be at fault ..
modern fuel systems are delicate to contaminated fuel
if you remove the plug from the main fuel pump it should deliver max rail pressure to the rail and the it should start,though you will have a red engine warning and it will sound like a bag of bolts,putting the plug back on will put out the warning ,and if it continues running it will sound ok
electrically wise an 8 year old LF won't be in the best of health ,wiring is a weakness...make sure ecu is secure to the engine as the bobbins wear and the vibration can ruin the ecu ,make sure plugs on the ecu have their covers fitted ..in the main plug there is a set of twisted wires ,blue and yellow ,that is your can ,about 6 inches back from the plug there is the resistor you can either visually check it ,or do a resistance check with the ignition off ,if ok you get 60 ohms if faulty 120 ohms,also check your feeds at the ecu
sorry there is a lot there ,but with out fault codes it's hard to pinpoint the fault
January 2012