As you have a clicking, as if it wants to go, my 1st thought would be window sticking, they have a load sensor cct, thats why you cannot cut your head off in one, if glass is stuck, might be trying to lower it. Maybe wash it with washing up liquid, but do not rinse off fully, so a layer of liquid on glass, both sides, see if that helps. after that I would go for connections between door and frame, usually plug in connectors under the rubber boot, ease boot off, unplug connectors check, any sign of corrosion clean, you can get contact cleaner lubricants, which I found worked on them for my back door not unlocking, quick squirt plug back together done, Then, mechanism in door, make sure greased up. . If that still does not fix it, relays etc. only after that would I think about diagnostics etc. But you will be able to get a OBD diagnostic reader from Ebay or such very cheap, connect to a laptop, read the codes your self. Or halfords etc do stand alone units
January 2012