Over the years shamsung have strived to reduce the cost of all of their electrical equipment by utilising cheap electronic components manufactured in china,.the lcd and plasma screens are the only components that appear to be reliable.cheap electrolitic capasitors used on the pcb are a real issue ,hence the thousands of european sets stuck in standby.cheap unstable eeproms that can confuse themselves and loose thier programs.poor y sustain boards,unreliable h and v buffers.Endless dry solder joints due to crap boards and over heating caused by inadequate ventilation.Two silent fans fitted to the carcase would resolve these issues.Ok now I have had my rant lets see if we can fix your issue.It could be several things here,but you will need a multimeter and the ability to use it.you have two choices here. 1. have the set repaired ,or.2.tackle the basics yourself.This will involve cleaning the connectors and connections to the y sustain board.Removing and cleaning the vertical and horizontal buffers from the y sustain board.The y board has a main ribbon cable refered to as the lead,these connections will also need cleaning.Take a look on youtube (samsung repair). Some videos on there that wll help you in locating the y board.
paul only buys panasonic
January 2012