Mike T its not testorone its frustration, Acorn, GTS, Alarm and myself dont know each other, But we are the best engineers in the UK, No-One has ever questioned that. I personally replace lots of batteries, but obviously they are not the answer to all faults. Learn the basics, eg Grade 1, N/C circuits, then move onto Grade 2, Resistor's, and Grade 3 anti masking etc,
You need to understand your multi-meter and what it is telling you, eg, high or floating resistances,
By the way Mike dont ever let anyone tell you regardless of their ability that they can test a battery with a mulimeter, It is IMPOSSIBLE take note Mapli**. If they say they can they are talking Crap.
Last moan to AD* If your gonna send an engineer to site to resolve a speech dialler issue on a panel at least understand Telephone line voltages, NO ADSL filter didnt help either.
never mind its another one you guys have lost.
Rant over.
January 2012