hello Arnet,thermostat failure is the inability to regulate the temperature.if liquids are freezing in the fridge compartment then the stat is at fault.the model no should have been included in this post because the latter iced dimonds were frost free.if your model isn't the frost free version then icing on the freezer element is normal.however if the ice is white and fluffy then the door seal is more likely to be the problem.the thermostat is on the right hand side wall inside the fridge compartment.to access the stat take off the pygmy bulb housing/cover.the dial that you regulate the temp is the thermostat.if the fridge compartment isn't freezing and it isn't a frost free version simply defrost.check the two setting slider to the left of the led,s on top right of fridge.make sure its not on the fast freeze setting.
Mr Freeeze
December 2011