Sorry for your loss, been there.
Key-in your four digit user code.
The exit tone starts. Leave premises via the designated
exit door. Exit tone stops after pre-set time. Your alarm
system is SET.
Your alarm system may have been installed to allow you
to have part of the premises set while other area(s) are
off. To part set the system key in 2 then ENTER, followed
by your user code.
Note that the part set exit tone is usually a buzzer sound, but your system may be programmed to silent set.
Note: If you enter your user code incorrectly four times in
a row then the system will raise a tamper alarm.
Full Set: Enter by the designated entry door. Entry tone
starts. Go to control panel. Key-in your user code. System is OFF.
Part Set: Go to control panel. Entry tone starts. Key-in
your user code. System is OFF.
The system has a pre-set entry time to allow you to get to the panel. When the entry time has elapsed your system may be programmed to give an internal alarm for 30 seconds.
At the end of this 30 seconds the system gives a full
alarm (external sounder). Key in your user code to cancel the alarm.
The above is a copy/paste from the manual for the Scantronic 9448+ control panel (that's what I suspect your panel is) - 9427 is the KeyPad number.
If this doesn't do it get back again HERE, we always keep looking at past posts. Keeps everything together and then makes more sense.
October 2011