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Mend Screw Carb Set

How can I fix this !!!?

I have an mini moto blata b1 yellow watercooled I was Twisting the screw on the carb to set it the screw is called an "mixture screw" and it cut off I tried starting it but it wouldn't then I saw the carb from under and the black bowl under it was flooded so I drained and cleaned the carb but the same problem but would start then cut off and now I bought an spark plug put it on still wouldn't work then I ordered a new carb put that on still flooding can anybody tell me what it could be or the problem


Mini Moto B1
August 2011
Hi thanks for your answer I have tried resetting the mixture screw but nothing and I thInk it is getting to much fuel as I have put a new carb and spark plug any other suggestion?

Mini Moto B1
August 2011
Don;t know about carb set up on ur bike but try resetting mixture screw back to original setting carb is seriously flooding fuel set up is usually from tank through filter to a float chamber which holds small amount of fuel to serve mixture setting usually a needle type fixing as u twist throttle this needle moves allowing additional fuel to engine however float level needs to be accurately controlled fuel bypassing control system with new carb suggests fuel line to carb missing a gauze filter washer ect...very intricate things carbs should never touch unless good manual or good knowledge.

August 2011
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