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Mend 8 After Off Alarm

Galax8 8 Reset After Setting Off Alarm?

Hi all.
i have an ADT alarm with a Galaxy 8 keypad, this alarmed was monitored by ADT for 5 years, but, due to the alarm going off 3 times & ADT doing absolutely nothing i decided 3 months ago to end monitoring.
unfortunately my daughter set the alarm off last week & i called ADT & explained i had a code on the keypad & could they supply me with the code to remove it (which they had done before)
However, i'm now told that despite 5 years paying £25 a month, they can not now give me the code, but an engineer will spend 5 minutes in my house resetting it for a small fee of £240.
Independants also want to charge around £120

so, is there anyone who could give me a code to remove it & return my alarm to working order?
the message on the display says:-
'call alarm co. quote code 31878'
it was the landing sensor that was tripped - i would be very grateful for some help

June 2011
Hi Mark, Im not convinced you are, who you say you are, I have all your answers to resolve your problem, yet no call,

July 2011
Hi Mark, yes feel free to call as soon as your ready, the number 07842 480037 is diverted through to my on call phone at the moment so feel free to call when your ready, and we will get this problem corrected for you.

June 2011
Good day gentlemen.
Nick, i only got your message this morning, internet modem went on me, yet another big company that provides a crap service,
appreciate your time, i'm at the hospital all day, so, if it's still ok i'll call you tomorrow.

thanks again

June 2011
well said nick,we give advice for free,so,obviously we are idiots,i mean,who tells some one how to fix their alarm for free??there must be something wrong about it,
why would prof guys tell joe public how to fix their alarms,?and not charge you say nick,our good nature gets the better of us,we try to help but,alarm guy,acorn ,you ,and i ,do get pissed off when the plebs,1,dont listen to us,2 dont heed our advice,and argue the point,and 3 dont say thank you for saving me lots off dosh ,we dont expect them to kiss our butts,but a thank you does not go out of place,i ,i hate to say have lost my temper with some of them,and i said things that i have regretted,but as my late dad (god rest him) used to say,manners cost nothing,am sorry for a long winded moan mate,regards to you and your family

June 2011
Why do we bother, maybe because we care mate. I actually think Joe Public enjoy being ripped off, Maybe they believe the more money they spend on a call out the better qualified the engineer. I live in Kent, and i only know one other engineer who has the same back ground as me in-Electronics, The so called engineers that call me for a job, dont get off first base, are clue-less, with no experience to speak off.
Its always the same people on here all with the same answers, Do you notice virtually no other engineers comment, and we are talking the whole of the UK. Id say GTS we are Unique, very clever engineers with so much experience, And Guess what The Public still dont listen.

June 2011
nick,why do we bother?our time is very valuable,we give it freely,just to be ignored,you like the rest of the guys here try our best to save the plebs money,what thanks do we get ?sod all,alarm guy,acorn,and you give good advice,i mention you guys coz some of the others that come on here ,i do not rate,it just pisses me of when we give good advice,that is bourn out of years of exper,then we are ignored coz some one has read a book,and they know better,so i ask againg,why do we bother?regards,charles maguire,(gts)

June 2011
Hi GTS, sorry mate, i didnt read all messages, And NO he hasnt been in touch yet. The company that is mentioned are total rip off merchants, When will people learn.

June 2011
if you read my tex nick,you would see i said that the guys on here could tell him how to reset his system,as could i,but i find his attitude a bit off putting,i also told him about the seed code,so nick,i hope he is nice to you,all i did was tell him the central station would not help him,am i right,or wrong?

June 2011
Hi Mark,
Either text or call 07842 480037, dont worry if i dont answer as its just a spare phone i have, i will then call you back on my On call phone which is with me 24/7. I dont give this number out on line, as i dont wish to be woken up by people surfin the net late at night.

June 2011

It's nice to hear i'm not completely screwed, & that there are helpful people out there, the fact is i inherited the alarm when i bought the house & at the time i was working nights & my wife convinced me to keep the existing contract for her piece of mind, at the time it didn't seem to make sense to rip out a perfectly good alarm system for the sake of it, had i known then what i know now.....

If money was no object, that's what i would do now, but, times are hard & i just want to make the best of what i have until i can afford to get something better. & i hate being held to ransom by some big company that is not big on customer service.

June 2011
Firstly Mark and the other 120,000 Idiots in this country for using probably the most expensive company in the country. Why dont you people learn.
The code you have is called a Seed code and can be reset by using the engineer's code which i have.
The company you mention DO NOT give a toss about you.
I charge £37.50 for a call out, free if you have a £45.00 service contract.
And still you stupid people use this Jumped up company
Im in the South East, Maidstone, Canterbury district, Its not difficult to find me, i list my number on here enough.
Your not Screwed as GTS points out, as i said the engineer code will over ride it. Be nice to me, and who knows i might help you.
There are ways to get round being struck off after 3 false alarms, you do not have to go to Sequencial which is what that National Company and others will tell you. Too detailed to go into on here,
Lose the National companies and stop being Ripped off.

June 2011
and see where using a national company has got you,
5 years you paid them,and they treat you like dirt,so dont bleat to me when i tell you the truth,i have no attitude,i dont even know you,but am fed up with people like you who pay over the odds then come here bleating because their alarm packs up and their installer not want to know them or want to charge to correct something that they should have had the brains to get sorted out before they canceld the contract,so mark,crawl back to adt,pay them their nice callout charge,i could tell you you how to reset your panel,as all of the guys on here could,and for nothing,but your attiude stinks,so,in the words of the prophet ,bugger off

June 2011
the truth hurts mark,

June 2011
GTS thanks for your helpful reply - with an attitude like yours no wonder i didn't use an independant!

June 2011
Rock and hard place, when you cancelld you should have asked for customer reset to be programmed.
It is fairly easy to reset this panel and give you total freedom.
£120, for non maintained is reasonable.
Now you have found out how the downside of a national.

June 2011
the code the panel gave you is known as a seed code,the central station key it in their comp and it generates a reset code but as your no longer mon with then,your screwed

June 2011
try your local guys mate,at least they wont cheat you

June 2011
bet they send you a xmas card,:-)

June 2011
your fault for getting adt to fit the alarm mate,you no doubt bout their advertising crap,now you pay the price,
people like you think that the independant installers are rip of merchants,now you know the truth,we dont charge £240. to reset panels,£120 is good price,depends where you live,so you have paid £1.500 monitoring for your system,more fool you,we charge £58.per year,see how good a deal you got of adt?

June 2011
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Mend repair fix 8 home alarm systems

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