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Mend Clio Started Alarm Hours

my clio 02 1.4 auto alarms has started to go off for no reason?

my alarm had been set for several hours but in the middle of the night it went off without any reason. I do not drive the car every day so could it be a battery problem.

linda k
June 2011
Check the bonnet microswitch. My friend had the same problem on their Megane. They took it to Renault and it was the microswitch - dirty contacts apparently.

But, be aware that there could be a problem with the bonnet catches on as many as 550,000 Renault Clio II models sold between 1998 and 2006 and also the Clio Campus.

There is a long-term corrosion and dirt problem that holds the catch in the open position, so when you drop the bonnet down, the catch doesn't close.

The issue came to light when several Clio owners contacted Watchdog claiming to have had accidents after their bonnets opened at speed. In the next few months there were claims that Renault received 250 to 300 complaints of bonnets flying open and commissioned research on about 43 cars, which showed the problem was the bonnet catch, which would seize open after three years.

There was apparently no mention of maintenance either in the owner's manual, or the dealer service documents.

The problem is to do with maintenance, not the design or construction of the catch. The bonnet catch should be inspected, lubricated or, if necessary, replaced.

You might want to contact your dealer if you suspect your catch isn't working properly.

June 2011
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