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Mend Vw Sharan Not Start


My VW sharan does not start sometimes. After moving around town for about 30mins or 1hour sometimes my car start at times it does not start.
My mechanic, has changed the coil,distributors and the fuel pump.
Yet i still have the problem.
engine capacity is 2liter petrol.
Year of Munufacture 1996.

nii okai
September 2006
I have vw sharan year 2012, the problems,when im drive in town,will check light epc show in board,and could not start again,when im push button start again,when machanic use g scan dionagstic,show the problem is fuel pressure to low and show the fuel pump problem

jimson teoh
May 2014
I have a 1997 VW Sharran and after driving through a heavy storm it just cut out. I left it a while thinking that it got wet in the electrics. But still no joy, a mechanic tells me that there is a spark at the plugs & that he thinks the fuel pump is not working. Should I first change the relay?

martin wood
May 2012
hej. det kan vara en kontroll relä till styrenhet. den sitter bakom säkring grupper till vänster, dimension ca 3,5x3,5x5 cm. 8 stift. ganska ofta att det blir problem med den. den har fler funktion till styrdon.
lycka till!

June 2011
try changing the fuel pump relay

February 2011
rac said my diesel sharan supply pump faulty ,where is it

January 2011
after changing the battery on my sharan i can,t open any of the doors only boot why any fix

November 2010
have had same problem on 97 2.0 petrol...replaced air mass sensor..then disconnected battery for 1 hr to o.k now !!!!

February 2010
hi. my 97 sharan 2L petrol has had all these problems, but I now cannot start it due I think to fuel not reaching the injector. I suspect the fuel pump. Is this likely and is it easy to replace myself?

Other water related probelms have included a water damaged ecu, which i replaced with a part from a supplier in Britannia trading estate Luton (do not use them). They supplied the wrong ecu which now means the car revs too high at 70 mph in top (automatic). they will not replace it - a long story and I do not have time to fight it right now.
replaced coil too recently and this fixed the problem arising from puddle splashing, however there is a design fault with this sharan which the VW garage 'fixed' by drilling a hole to allow the collected water in the plenum chamber to drain directly on top of the coil, there by making the problem worse.
and so on......

m phillips
December 2006
Got it started! Sure enough a puddle of water on passenger (right hand) side under the bonnet in the wiper / ventilation / heater area. Put wipers in vertical position then you can get a hand or brush right to the back to clear the holes - water then drips out of wheel arch. Then spent a day drying out car (sunny windy day luckily but also needed 2 hrs of 1kw heater in passender footwell). Started OK then. Just left it after running warm and interior lights winked on and off and central locking misbehaving - what a pain this car is!

Steve C
October 2006
Have a look at this link.

I had same problems with rainwater in passenger footwell and car stopped mostly in the wet - driving through large puddle, carwash, parked on drive in autumn. I now suspect the ECU is water damaged. Central locking and interior lighting seem affected too.

Steve C.
October 2006
Don't have a fix for you but exactly same problem on same age and type Sharan. Especially after a short run where engine doesn't get completely warm. Plugs, leads and fuel pump relay all diagnosed by VW and another workshop as the cause but still happens. Waiting for it to get cold sometimes helps. Opening and closing doors helped once too! Car is now stuck in my driveway waiting for yet another tow. Am going to hassle VW about this will let you know how I get on.

Steve C
October 2006
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