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Mend Vectra Cars

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Mend Vectra

rear passenger door(vectra)?

i was having problems with the central locking on this door,i've tried new batteries etc,but this door has a will of its own sometimes it works sometimes it don, we can't even open the door manualy.i'm getting pretty desperate now as this is the door for the baby seat & what happens if there is an accident.please don't recommend a dealer as things are hard enough.vectra 96 gls

September 2006
hi i hope this will help , i have had this problem with mint and all i had to do was take the door card off 4 screws and make shure that all of the wires are in and just give is spray with some wd40 and it fixed mine. hope that this helps

adam perason
September 2006
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Find out how to mend Vectra cars

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Find out how to mend Vectra cars