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Mend Mondeo Cars

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Mend Mondeo Lots Starts Fine

Mondeo 1800 1993 - lack of power and lots of judder?

I have a 1993 Mondeo which is having a few problems. It starts up fine but after a few minutes on the road it gets a bad judder (the old kangaroo juice syndrome) - this only last about 5 - 10 mins then its fine. The other things is that after this has stopped i have very reduced power - I feel like pushing my feet through the floor to run to get it to go faster. lolll A lil like the flintstones. Once it goes its fine but it takes soooo long to get there im sure this isn't right. I have changed the plugs, air filter, oil and replaced the front section of the exhaust (cat had gone). Any suggestions??????

September 2006
Sounds like a fuel pressure problem..... Try adding some injector cleaner to your fuel and changing the fuel filter (under car, driver's side toward's the back, look's abit like an oil filter).

September 2006
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Mondeo cars

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Mend repair fix Mondeo cars