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Mend John Deere General D.I.Y

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Mend John Deere Model

How to fix a John Deere Snowblower?

I’ve got an old walk-behind John Deere Model 526 snow-blower that’s gradually lost more and more ability to throw snow well. Originally I thought this was due to a combination of several things (i.e. an old engine and/or unusually wet snow that stuck easily in the snow exhaust chute).

This winter, however, I noticed by accident that when I applied forward pressure to the Engage/Dis-Engage Lever (after it was placed in the Engage Position), the more pressure I applied, the further the snow was blown. A parts diagram of the snow-blower shows a part called a drive disk that could be something like a clutch in the units snow blower section. Would replacing this drive disk be much of a job and would I need any special tools or adjustment procedures to re-attach any disconnected mechanical linkages?

F. Lampart
April 2011
i have a 47 " attachment ,and cant figure out how to route my new chute cable,. any idea.. thanks

loic jussaume
December 2011
I don't see a threaded adjuster in the part diagrams but now that its warming up (i.e. less chance of more snow) I need to actually start taking covers off to see where possible adjustments might be made. Thanks for the taking time to get back to me.

April 2011
I dont know this machine but from what you have said it sounds as if there is a clutch that needs adjusting
There might be some adjustment on the engage/dis-engage linkage a bit like the forward drive cable or linkage on a lawn mower. Is there a threaded adjuster that takes up the slack?

April 2011
Mend D.I.Y, General D.I.Y
Mend repair fix John Deere general d.i.y

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Mend D.I.Y, General D.I.Y
Mend repair fix John Deere general d.i.y