There are a number of common problems afflicting the Vectra:
1. Idle valve (sometimes can be cleaned sometimes needs replacing). Vauxhall do an uprated one with an 'X' on the end of the part no.
2. Hot film air mass sensor. This is the large sensor located in the rubber air inlet pipe. You could risk getting one from a breakers for £50 or a new one will set you back over £120.
3. Blocked idle air path & breather hoses. Remove them & clean them all out with carb cleaner. There is a modification that Vauxhall suggest to fit an inline filter. I've seen a photo online of this modification - do a Google search.
4. Rarely the throttle position sensor is faulty or has been tampered with to overcome other faults. It is not adjustable and should not have slotted holes for adjustment.
Hope this helps.
Kevin Stewart
December 2004