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corsa c help?

can any one tell me what i can replace on my corsa 1.2 53 reg to help it run better on fuel i changed cam senser knock bssenser cat o2 sensers both coil pack throtle body thanks

March 2011
Buy yourself an OpCom diagnostics unit, stop spending a fortune on parts without testing!
I got mine from

UK supplier, member/trader called Furby on most of the Vauxhall forums, see

Use it to check the output from the Coolant Temp Sensor ( a common fault is the sensor keeps telling the ECU the engine is cold, causing overfuelling), the MAF, check the long term fuel trim and injector opening times etc.
Once you have the data post it up on VVOC along with full details of the car (engine code, model year etc.)
I should mention I have no connection to Furby or opcom.weebly, I was pointed towards his site by other forum members.

March 2011
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