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Mend Scantronic 9800 Home Alarm Systems

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Find out how to mend Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Scantronic 9800 Battery Change Changing

battery change?

hi all
after changing the battry in a scantronic 9800.
i have two key pads one ustairs and one downstairs the upstairs one i keyed in 99 and then my No and every thing ok set the alarm for downstairs went down and it went off good .
so i keyed in my no to stop the alarm it stoped but alarmed itself again and it does that every time how can i unalarm it

salvatore zammito
March 2011
Agreed, we get posts removed sometimes, time this a*se was kicked.

A*se kickers untied.1st to fallover a lace buys the coffees!
March 2011
well said acorn,i give up with this guy,he makes no sense at all,

March 2011
As you didn't answer us when you asked "shall i just reset it back to factory settings" I'll assume you did reset.

Because of you doing that I would suggest you get someone in as you have messed it up.

This is not the place to take someone, who has no idea what he is doing, through putting it right.

Goodness only knows what you have done, too many Q&As.

Also, don't keep asking or telling us things in different threads, STAY HERE, much easier for us to keep track, after all the help here is mostly from Pro. Alarm Engs. giving it in their own time for nothing.

March 2011
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Find out how to mend Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

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Find out how to mend Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems