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Mend Scantronic 9800 Home Alarm Systems

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Mend Scantronic 9800 Fault

Scantronic 9800 fault?

Our alarm panel is showing two red led, one for fault the other showing servive, also the green power led is flashing.
Help please.


February 2011
Same happened to us. bF (Battery Fault) displayed. Alarm went off when we were on hols. Instead of checking our property externally our miserable neighbours reported it to Environmental Services and we got call. Fortunately we have key holder and matter easily resolved. Called engineer today, simple 5 min job to remove control lid (internal sounder activates) removes pos and neg connections from battery, replaced battery, re-connects leads, closes control panel lid - all the time internal sounder is going off but then MAGIC - enter our personal code couple of times and panel reverts to day-state. Checked thoroughly and everything works !! NO Engineer code needed just need to have replacement battery to hand when you remove the cover. Call out £50, Battery £25 well worth it. PS previous battery lasted 14 years, hope new one lasts as long.

Michael Gowonstoke
June 2014
bribe works all the time!!!!

February 2011
Probs the bribe!!!

Yeah, makes a change when the OP says thanks.
Makes it worthwhile, rather than people coming here demanding free advice and then questioning it.

Hey ho :-)

February 2011
was nice of derek to say thanks,few and far between

February 2011
1964,so ur 47,:-0 i would say its the bribe:!!!!!!:-)

February 2011
Mary Poppins was made the year I was born.

Funnily enough was around a friends the other day and his daughters did not believe the age I am. They both took off 10-15 years. Now either they have a crush on me or the £5 each they got for running errands did it!
Was welding his trike up pre-MOT as the previous muppets had no clue how to weld. Part of the subframe lifted off when one bolt was losened :S All sorted now:D

February 2011
close me ole son,57,but look 21 :-),well my old id card does!!!!!!,what film then?

February 2011
What you got me down as then GT?

I`ll let you guess,the give you a name of a film made the year I was born!

How about you? Got you as 55ish :D

Tell you what a clue anyway, my brother and myself went to different secondary schools. Both the last Grammar Schools in London. I was taught Latin until the 3rd year, then you could opt out for other O Level language!

February 2011
Well Derek, I must say thanks for letting us know. Glad we were able to help.

Don't mind the fun poking, we get asked the same over & over, it gets a bit tedious after a while, just letting off steam :-)

February 2011
Thank you for your help, sorted it this morning, loose wire in the fused spur, simple cheap fix.

February 2011
am very tempted,but me fink me go up to loft,take me pills,and a nice vino wif me ceegar,:-)ts 690 ,you must be older then me thought me old son !!!

February 2011
can barter with a G3-144 MK7 Rkp A TS690 and netled rkp
Few pirs a couple of speakers, about all left in my spares box lol.

February 2011
two pirs,ana 7 amp yuasa batt.:-)(new one )

February 2011
me sell em to you,give u good deal,

February 2011
Dont you rememeber, alarm panels tell lies. The logs are entirely made up. Off the cuff. the end user is always a saint and never makes an error.

Think I need your pills :S

February 2011
if he read his user instructions,he would know all of this,nurse,my pills,i need my pills,help,
acorn,dont let em drag me away,you will be next !!!!!

February 2011
as you know acorn,this panel brighter than the user,
ground hog day comes to mind ,:-)

February 2011
Thanks for the info.

February 2011
So, as was first said, the mains supply to your panel has failed.

Power cut
Damaged cable causing -
Circuit breaker
Fuse in spur feeding panel
Internal mains fuse at the panel
Transformer blown etc

That should give you an idea

February 2011
Thanks,so how do i check that the mains has failed to the system, is there an inbuilt fuse?

February 2011
If the Mains supply fails for what ever reason the panel will work from the battery.

If the battery then fails or is disconnected the supply to the outside sounder is removed and it will sound from its own battery.

February 2011
Nothing on the display

February 2011
What is the Display showing, forget the LEDs for now?

February 2011
so if the sounder goes off when battery is disconnected the mains supply must be ok but the green led is still flashing.

February 2011
no power failure?

February 2011
"Disconnected the battery and external sounder goes off?"

That's correct, it's designed to do that.

February 2011
no power failure in the house, the alarm clock will require resetting if there has been.
Disconnected the battery and external sounder goes off?

February 2011
when the power restored,it will be not bugger about with it,!!!:-)

February 2011
i, have lost the mains power to the panel

February 2011
power cut

February 2011
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Free repair help for Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

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