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Mend Washing Machine Stopped

F&P GW709AU washing machine wont power up?

F&P GW709AU washing machine. Wife said stopped through cycle with continuous beeps. She turned power off and on again with no leds coming on any more. Can not start anything. Power checked with multi meter (I'm an electrician) to terminals on power board. Pump coil resistance is 24ohms. Does not appear to be down to earth. Is corrosion around the metalic parts of the iron core/pump.

February 2011
I put a Decade box in place of the pump and set to 33.5 ohms and hey presto the board came to life with the leds flashing on for a secound then died again as the resistors in the Decda box fizzled out..bugger. Got some bigger wattage resitors and could not replicate the board coming to life. Found soldered in Fuse 2 on power supply blown. Off to electronic store in the morning to get another fuse/s as I want to prove the board without buying a pump. As you say I might be able to borrow a pump and check. Hooked pump from my machine up on my bench and ran for about a minute before the thermistor tripped. Bit of smoke and plenty of heat in iron core. Rang a local supplier and new pump is $95 pick up. Looks like up up for $95 if I prove the board is ok. Otherwise the misses will get her way and get a new machine. Thanks again for your help.

February 2011
That's expensive for a pump. Typical F&P. There are a lot of smartdrives around. They all use the same pump. May be you can borrow a pump off a friend or neighbour to try in your machine to see if it powers back up before paying out for a new one. If it doesn't power back up then the board may also be damaged by the pump. Boards are expensive but there are some companies around who repair them.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
February 2011
Thanks for your assistance. Yes I'm in Australia. I will investigate getting a new pump. F&P have quoted $90 plus $15 postage etc. Will try a local suppiler first. F&P didn't give me a price on the board, I asked them for both to see if worth fixing or get a new machine.

February 2011
Okay then the pump has had it. 24 ohms is way too low. I don't know what country you are in. I presume Australia going on the model No. so you will be running on 230V. Pump for that voltage should be 33.5 ohms.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
February 2011
G'day Lincoln Appliances. Thanks for your response. Yes you are correct,I am talking about the drain pump. I measured at the coil directly on the pump coil after disconecting the supply plug. Tonight I re measured at the plug that plugs into the power board. I removed the plug and measured across the brown and the white wires that supply the pump. I measured 24.8 ohms. Meter used is a CENTER 122 Data Logger True RMS multimeter Cat III, so not a cheapy so I believe the reading is correct.

February 2011
When you say pump coil resistance is 24 ohms, are you talking about the drain pump? Where are you taking the reading? Drain pump should be 33.5 ohms +/- 1 or 2. If it is only 24 ohms then change the drain pump & see if power comes back on. The drain pump is part of the power supply circuit for the DC supply to the panel. A failed pump will cut of power to panel & it will appear dead.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
February 2011
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix washing machines

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