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Mend Hotpoint Tumble Dryers

Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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Mend > Tumble Dryers

Mend Hotpoint House Trip Switch

Hotpoint Tumble dryer shorts my house trip switch!?

I have a Hotpoint condenser dryer which trips the mains trip switch every time I try to turn it on. I think the timer switch on the dryer is broken, but am not sure so I don't really want to fork out £40 for a new switch if it turns out not to be the problem. Anyone got any ideas how I can test the switch or the rest of the electrics in the dryer?

August 2006
you will need a megga to check what is causing short these are pretty exspensive for a one off repair. most likley cause of problem is heating element cheaper than a timer

October 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend Hotpoint tumble dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend Hotpoint tumble dryers