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Mend DAF LF 45 Lorries/Trucks

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Mend repair fix DAF LF 45 lorries/trucks

Mend > Lorries/Trucks

Mend DAF LF 45 Wire Lf Work

How to wire DAF LF 45 work lights???

I've got a 2005 Daf LF 45.150 in the centre of the dash there is a switch for work lights on the rear of the truck and when you turn the switch on it displays a green warning light on the instrument panel to let you know they are on. I've found a spare blue wire in the wiring loom to the rear lights but I can't seem to get them to work any lights that i'm trying to fit to the rear of the truck. any ideas?

January 2011
meant to add you can purchase a plug and pins from your daf dealer ,and wire it in so it looks factory spec

January 2011
glad to be of help .and thanks so much for getting back to let us know how you got on ,it's nice to know that the info was useful...


January 2011
Norb, your a star!!! There is a 10 pin plug hidden behind the water filter for the air system just behind the nearside front wheel. And attached to the tie wrap holding the plug out of the way was a little plastic bag with instructions as to what wire is what! It has "DAF" printed on it and is labled "wiring instruction for van body construction". Wired it all up this morning and all is working fine!!! Thanks for your help.

January 2011
the yellow plug will be the large one to your left as you look at it ..and the wire 2170 should be in pin 10,will add if you decide to go from thr wire at the bulkhead ,splice in to it as the wire splits and feeds other items

January 2011
makes it easier to make sure i give correct info
ignore the blue wire as that has nothing to do with lighting ..

worklamps on the lf are usually at back of cab on the N/S there should hopefully be a plug there... ,wiring is yellow and white ,white being the earth and yellow the live, ,if i'm correct the wire number is 2170 .i can't remember of the top of my head where they tuck the plug when not used ,it should be circular can also locate the wire under the cab grill again on the N/S under the black cover ,there will be a 25 pin yellow plug find wire 2170 ,stick a test lamp over it work your switch ,and if ok you can just take your feed from there's controlled by fuse E052 which is a 10 amp fuse ...hope it helps

January 2011
It's a euro 4, why do they have different wiring?

January 2011
is it euro 3 or 4 ???

January 2011
Mend Vehicles, Lorries/Trucks
Mend repair fix DAF LF 45 lorries/trucks

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Mend Vehicles, Lorries/Trucks
Mend repair fix DAF LF 45 lorries/trucks