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Mend Triton Baths and Showers

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Mend > Baths and Showers

Mend Triton Switching Switches Cold

Triton Opal keeps switching to low power?

My Triton Opal 10.5 often switches to cold showing low pressure when this is not the case. It is often difficult to switch on, but most of the time if you switch it on on hot (maximum) and after several minutes switch it down to warm, it remains fairly stable for a short shower to be had, sometimes not.

Bob Smith
August 2006
This is obviously tooooo late to help Bob Smith, but for anyone else, check out for help on resolving similar problems. The forum is very helpful

ShowerDoc Ltd
February 2009

I am not a shower speacialist, but have been looking on the web to sort out my own shower problem. I came across the following web-site,, and although I have not yet used it, if you read some of the many testimonials I can only suggest that it would be worth dropping them an e-mail or give them a call.

Andy Madge
September 2006
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Find out how to mend Triton baths and showers

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Find out how to mend Triton baths and showers