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Mend Vectra Cars

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Mend Vectra Diesel Light Power

98 diesel vectra 2.0tdi engine management light no power?

when exceed 3000rpm on the move engine manage light comes on and power loss for the rest of journey.
now the light also comes on when not moving but if you rev it the light goes out.any ideas,thanks.

December 2010
i lack power wen i excelarate the engine light come on for about a minute i have changed all the sensors and it still happens can any 1 help me please

December 2010
two very common faults with the 2.0tdi is the air flow meter or the vacumn system, throughout the engine there are various rubber vacumn hoses, these tend to split at the ends resuting in lost pressure. these hoses can be checked by a pressure tester one hose at a time, the vacumn pump could be faulty also.
putting the car on the computor will point you in the right direction.

December 2010
it would be in your interest to get it onto a code reader and this may help you diagnose your fault

December 2010
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Find out how to mend Vectra cars